SNIS Teaching Approach

Responsive Classroom Ethos:
SNIS believes in creating an environment that stimulates curiosity, healthy competition, excitement in learning and mastering new skills. We practice a student-centered approach to instruction by following an inter-disciplinary and inquiry-based curriculum.

Projects and Presentations:
Real life situations are conducted through regular projects and presentations dealing with a variety of topics ranging from environmental awareness to creating a sense of social responsibility.

Interactive Class Sessions:
The classroom is enriched with interactive and participatory sessions rather than the one-way mode of teaching. This stimulates the young minds and fosters an enjoyable and fun loving way of learning.

Modern Teaching Aids:
SNIS is equipped with the latest teaching Aids like overhead projectors, computers, Smart classes Etc.

SNIS Teaching Methodologies

Curriculum Design
Holistic education encompasses the development of the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. While the degree of proficiency required in these areas may vary with the profession one chooses, it is imperative that students are provided the opportunity for the development of each of these domains.NIS curriculum is designed to ensure this.

Cognitive Domain Covers:
• Complex thinking skills
• Information gathering and processing skills
• Collaboration and cooperation skills
• Communication skills
• Productive habits of mind (critical, creative and self-regulated thinking)

Affective Domain Covers:
• Discipline, Responsibility, Values, and Leadership
• Emotional intelligence, viz, the ability to manage emotions
• motivation, empathy, and managing relationships.
• Stages of development, viz, trust, autonomy, initiative, competence, and identity.

Psychomotor Domain Covers:
• Physical fitness – the emphasis is on strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, and coordination
• Skill at individual and team games
• All round development of students is ensured through two complementary processes. Each student is assessed on the various parameters of each of the three domains. This ensures that they focus on these areas and produce creditable performances.

Pre-School (Kinder Garten):
The early childhood program prepares children for entry into elementary school and is structured to allow teachers to consider the needs of each child. Emphasis is placed on social development, which is the base of elementary experience. In addition, structured activities that relate to academic skills or concept development are designed and implemented by the teachers.
The methodology at Kindergarten is a combination of Montessori, Play Way and Experiential Learning Approach. The students in Primary & Secondary school pursue a common comprehensive academically oriented curriculum which prepares them for success in Senior Secondary level.

The Primary & Secondary:
SNIS gives impetus to the instructional facility with the application of smart classes. This digital initiative has improved teachers effectiveness and proficiency. It connects abstract and difficult concepts to real life. It makes learning an enjoyable experience for the students and enables multi-sensory learning in classrooms. It brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life inside classrooms. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students and improves academic performance.
Continuous assessment aligned to learning outcomes is carried out through projects, assignments, class test, group activities, term test etc., Apart from the subjects taught, the teaching methodology considers a student’s academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural need while delivering an integrated curriculum. The Yoga, Sports, and Performing Arts as Music, Drama, Dance etc., are an integral part of the curriculum.

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